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How a Vibrator Can Help With Breastfeeding

A vibrator is a great tool for mums in more ways than one!

Breastfeeding mothers around the world are using a unique vibrator sex toy hack to unblock ducts and ease pain while breastfeeding, and it really works!

For many mothers, breastfeeding can be incredibly difficult and sometimes painful. Given all the possible frustrations that can occur during breastfeeding (sore breasts, the baby won't latch on, and so on), it's no surprise that some mothers just want to give up on breastfeeding altogether.

If you're a breastfeeding mum who is having a difficult time with nursing, don't worry, you're not alone! Where there's a problem, there's always a way to fix it - or lessen it, at least.

There is a very cleaver vibrator hack that mums around the world are saying helps with breastfeeding. Using a vibrator on your nipples is an effective way to unblock ducts and to reduce pain vibrator hack that really helps with breastfeeding. Who would have thought!

If you're not convinced that a vibrator can help ease breastfeeding woes, read Danielle's story below!


Danielle's story:

A 21-year-old mum from America called Danielle tried the breastfeeding-vibrator hack after she developed four bad cases of mastitis while breastfeeding her 9-month-old son. For those of you haven't had any issues with mastitis, it's when a person's breast tissue becomes infected. And yes, it's as bad as it sounds.

According to the Mayo Clinic, a person suffering from mastitis can experience the following symptoms: "breast tenderness, generally feeling ill (malaise), breast swelling, pain or a burning sensation continuously or while breast-feeding, skin redness, often in a wedge-shaped pattern, and fever of 101 Fahrenheit (38.3 Celsius) or greater." Needless to say, it's not fun to breastfeed when you have mastitis.

On top of Danielle's issues with mastitis, she also developed blocked ducts. Blocked ducts can occur when "breasts are not getting completely emptied of milk on a regular basis," according to Baby Center.

Blocked ducts typically lead to a case of mastitis (a blocked duct can easily become infected) and can cause breasts to develop symptoms of "redness" or "swelling," according to Baby Center. Similarly to mastitis, this condition does not bode well for feeding a hungry baby.

Given Danielle's predicament, she did what any suffering mum would do - she turned to the internet for advice.

After some digging around in a community group for moms, Danielle learned that using a vibrator on your nipples is an effective way to unblock ducts and to reduce pain. Since Danielle had tried other breastfeeding hacks before (heat packs, showers, rubbing), she thought she might as well give it a try by buying a vibrator sex toy and trying out the trick for herself! "It didn't hurt to use the vibrator - it was the least painful of everything I had tried before," Danielle said.

The best part? Danielle hasn't had any issues with mastitis since using the vibrator.

So, it looks like the moral of the story here is, vibrators are your friend in more ways than one! If you're struggling with breastfeeding and are in loads of pain, do yourself a favor and give this vibrator hack a try!

Check out Adulttoymegastore's range of vibrators here.

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